Author: Harrison Parke
Legally licensed by the author/publisher for free distribution on vestagms.com ( scroll down to download ebook)
About the Book:

This book contains many easy recipes for making Scones, bread, rolls, puddings, pastries, cakes and buns. For example:
½ lb. flour (one breakfastcup)
1 oz. butter
¼ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon Baking Powder
Preserved Ginger
Milk and water to mix
Sift baking powder and salt with flour, rub in butter, mix to a stiff dough, turn out on board, cut in two equal parts, roll out, spread one-half with thinly-cut ginger, place the other half on top, cut in squares, brush over the milk, and bake in quick oven.
1 heaped breakfastcup flour
1 pint milk, good measure
½ teaspoon salt
3 eggs
1 tablespoon dripping
Sift flour into a basin, sprinkle salt over it, and make a hole in the middle. Break each egg separately, and stir gradually in, add sufficient milk with wooden spoon until thick batter, then add and mix remainder of milk, and allow the batter to stand for half-an-hour. Place the dripping into a baking dish, make quite hot, and pour in batter; bake slowly for half-hour. A layer of raisins put in bottom of tin before pouring in batter makes a nice raisin Batter Pudding; try this.
½ lb. flour
4 ozs. dripping (or lard or butter)
Salt a little
½ teaspoon Baking Powder
Beat butter (or dripping) to a cream, add all other ingredients, and sufficient water to make a dough, roll out into shape, and spread with apricot or raspberry jam, sliced apples, plums, or any fruit desired could be substituted for jam. Put in a baking dish; bake in moderate oven.
2 breakfastcups flour
2 heaped teaspoons Baking Powder
2 tablespoonfuls sugar
2 tablespoonfuls butter
1 egg
Spice, and milk to mix
Rub all dry ingredients together, mix with milk to desired paste, roll out, cover with spice, and sugar, and bake as usual.
¼ lb. butter (or dripping)
¼ lb. sugar
½ cup Golden Syrup
1 large cup of strong coffee
1 lb. flour (or 2 breakfastcups)
2 heaped teaspoonfuls Baking Powder
1 teaspoonful ground ginger
A few raisins and peel
A little spice or nutmeg
Cream butter and sugar, add syrup warmed and mixed with the coffee, together with sifted flour, add spices to creamed butter, add raisins and peel, then beat in baking powder; bake in moderate oven about 2 hours.
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